Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 25, 26

Year 11 -

September 25 - Activity Day - Enjoy yourselves

September 26 - Period 3 Whole School Assembly

Sorry Year 11 - we were unlucky this week. Only 1 class period together. As a result our Investigations will be due on October 6

Friday, September 19, 2008

Investigate Structure

Click here to look at the Criterion A (Investigate) Assessment Rubric (originally posted on September 12, also posted in sidebar)

Create a Design Brief:
- Identify the problem to be solved (explain/restate the problem in your own words)
- Evaluate the importance of the problem for life, society, and the environment

(In other words discuss the importance and significance of the problem/solution. Discuss it's impact and role in society. Define e-portfolio, talk about how this is now a useful tool to showcase learning/achievements. Emphasise the fact that e-portfolios are being used by students to supplement their university applications because they provide a more in-depth and personal view of the candidate. You could also mention that more and more professions are moving toward professional e-portfolios. Remember that e-portfolios provide evidence of learning. They can include works that the person has produced but also include reflections on that work. Develop these ideas. Use words like: multi-dimensional, digital identity.)

Develop the Design Brief:
- Formulate and discuss appropriate questions that guide the investigation
- Collect, analyse, organize and evaluate information (What tool would best serve your purpose and why? Look at a broad range of tools (wiki, blog, protopage, iweb, frontpage) that you could possibly use.)

Formulate a Design Specification:
- Research other secondary school student e-portfolios. What do you like and dislike about their e-portfolios? Give examples.
-What will you include in your e-portfolio? Give a detailed list. This is a precise and accurate list of facts (how many pages it will be, exactly which subjects it will include, community and service, etc)
-Design test to evaluate the product/solution. (In other words create a detailed questionnaire or survey that you will distribute to people to obtain feedback).

REMEMBER to REFERENCE all your work. This is research, please document your work! (Don't try to rely on the knowledge you already have.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 18, 19

Year 11 You should have enough background information on various web tools and student e-portfolios to begin to focus on your investigation. Remember that the Year 11 investigation is "student oriented". I will be here to give advice.

Our guiding question is "How can I best showcase my achievements electronically?

Investigate tasks:
-Identify the Problem
-Develop a Design Brief
-Formulate a Design Specification
-Product Analysis of final product
-Acknowledge sources and document apprpriately

FYI - According to the IBO these features in moderation samples are to be commended, "Documented investigation on the product, the process, the tools and skills with students' personal comments, clear list of design specifications resulting from their research, possible tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification and proper acknowledgement of sources."

The due date for the Investigate is September 27 - end of class.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Criterion A

Year 11 this is the official rubric for Criterion A. Let's review this together so you understand exactly what is expected of you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 11, 12

Year 11, you are spoiled for choice (hahaha). When creating an online portfolio there are many options to choose from.

Dr. Helen Barrett (the e-portfolio guru!) has conducted an experiment where she has created (and re-created) and e-portfolio using many different tools. It's all basically the same information - it's just organized differently. Let's see what she has to say about creating an e-portfolio.

I'm including some of her other links that I think may be of interest to you: (how to create an e-portfolio with wordpress) (good ideas of what to include in your e-portfolio)

This is an impressive link list that Dr. Barrett has compiled!

Check these option out too! Free e-portfolio site Page Flakes Protopage

What else can you come up with? There are merit points just waiting to happen . . .

In addition, when making your process journal posting follow this template to keep the posting relevant:

-From my research I found out . .
-I have discovered that . . .
-My conclusions are that . . .
-I have kept my research relevant by . . .
-I found ICT helpful when . . .

Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 5

Year 11 - We've had a great start.

While our Unit is still in progress we will be trying to solve this problem: How can technology be used to showcase learning/achievements and make it readily accessible to university admissions office?

Remember the Design Cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate

Investigate tasks:
  • Identify the Problem
  • Develop a Design Brief
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Formulate a Design Specification
  • Product Analysis of final product
  • Research into available free web-tools

1) Today I would like to INVESTIGATE e-portfolios/online portfolios/digital portfolios. Gather ideas to help you plan your product.

Here are some links that I would like to visit:,%20Myself%20and%20Maybe%20I.html

These students completed the above online portfolios as part of their senior year classwork;-) They attend a public school in Indianapolis, Indiana (USA).

two more great examples:

Some more to look at - not great - but you might get some ideas:

2)Keep track of ALL sites you visit!

3) Begin to Formulate a DESIGN SPECIFICATION. What do you plan to include in your portfolio and WHY?????

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 4

Year 11 - Welcome back! It's great to see you all again.

1. Let's view the Welcome to IT ppt.

Let's take a few minutes and dust off our process journals/blogs (hahaha).

2.Blogs are primarily a communication tool. People are more motivated when their blogs are visited and comments are made. I love visiting your blogs. However, I have more than 115 blogs to visit and, unfortunately, am unable to make it to all of your blogs on a timely basis. Therefore, we will organize groups whereby students within that group will visit and comment on each other's blogs and actively participate in each other's learning. Also, invite your friends and family to visit your process journal/blog.

Create a link list in the side bar to add links to the other members of your group.

3.Then check out this blog template site. Look carefully at the templates on this site. What are the differences between the templates provided by and these templates? What possible purpose could this serve? Answer these questions in your blog.

If you would like to change your template, please feel free to.

Remember, effective learners are punctual and meet deadlines!