Dear Year 11,
On Friday someone mentioned that they did not think it was "fair" that the work you are handing in is NOT a draft.
Remember that this work that you are doing is one of the final IT projects that you will do. This is your 5th year in the MYP and each of you has a lot of CT (Computer Technology) experience. This project is meant to be student driven and should allow the student to put to use all that he/she has learned.
Having said that as your instructor I have made myself wholly available to you. This is my job and I take it seriously. I have provided guidance, links, material, suggestions and am available throughout the week to help you document(but not write)your learning. You can bring your work to me at any time and I will happily provide feedback.
Use all the documents that you have at your disposal (checklist, assessment rubric, class blog) and you will be successful.
Please contact me if you need some assistance.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Ms. Dietrich