Year 11 - Welcome to Term 2
I know, I know - it's a really unusual time to begin a new project but begin we must. We will need every minute available to create products that you will be proud of.
This term you will be doing esentially the same project that you did for DT, except you will create a computer based product/solution.
1)Let's take a quick look at our unit of work - http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgg4pbx8_377tkq7dck
2) Let's brainstorm about the best, most effective and efficient way to tackle this problem.
3) Let's look at the Assessment Rubric and see what you need to get a 6 on your Investigation (Criterion A).
4) Let's brainstorm some of the possible products you could produce. How about instructional videos, websites, books on tape, tutorials, flash movies, white board tools. . . What can you come up with? It must be a "high quality" solution.
5) Let's begin the Investigation;-)