Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 6

Here is the Assessment Criteria for Plan (Criterion C)

Maximum 6

Students are expected to construct a plan to create their chosen product/solution that has a series of logicl steps, and that makes effective use of resources and time.

Students are expected to evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.

Level of Achievement

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

1 - 2
The student produces a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or the resources required.

3 - 4
The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps that include resources and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate the plan.

5 - 6
The student produces a plan that contains a number of detailed, logical steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student critically evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design.

Now, what does this mean????
Look at the Check list: (located in the sidebar of this blog)
  • I have included a timeline
  • I have included a step-by-step plan
  • I have included evidence about my planning for materials, tools, resources, etc
  • I have critically evaluated my time plan and have tried to answer the following questions: Was the plan sufficiently detailed and why was this the case? Could my plan be followed by somebody else and why? Have I used all of the resources available to me?
  • I have justified any modifications to my design

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