Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 18, 19

Year 11 You should have enough background information on various web tools and student e-portfolios to begin to focus on your investigation. Remember that the Year 11 investigation is "student oriented". I will be here to give advice.

Our guiding question is "How can I best showcase my achievements electronically?

Investigate tasks:
-Identify the Problem
-Develop a Design Brief
-Formulate a Design Specification
-Product Analysis of final product
-Acknowledge sources and document apprpriately

FYI - According to the IBO these features in moderation samples are to be commended, "Documented investigation on the product, the process, the tools and skills with students' personal comments, clear list of design specifications resulting from their research, possible tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification and proper acknowledgement of sources."

The due date for the Investigate is September 27 - end of class.

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