Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 4

Year 11 - Welcome back! It's great to see you all again.

1. Let's view the Welcome to IT ppt.

Let's take a few minutes and dust off our process journals/blogs (hahaha).

2.Blogs are primarily a communication tool. People are more motivated when their blogs are visited and comments are made. I love visiting your blogs. However, I have more than 115 blogs to visit and, unfortunately, am unable to make it to all of your blogs on a timely basis. Therefore, we will organize groups whereby students within that group will visit and comment on each other's blogs and actively participate in each other's learning. Also, invite your friends and family to visit your process journal/blog.

Create a link list in the side bar to add links to the other members of your group.

3.Then check out this blog template site. Look carefully at the templates on this site. What are the differences between the templates provided by and these templates? What possible purpose could this serve? Answer these questions in your blog.

If you would like to change your template, please feel free to.

Remember, effective learners are punctual and meet deadlines!


Patricia P.C.Silva said...

This is going to be a fun TERM, nice teacher, interesting project all together in IT. FUN FUN FUN

rddietrich said...

Thanks for leaving such a nice comment on our class blog, it makes me want to work harder;-)

Year 11's ROCK!

Ms. Dietrich